Though we love our own mothers dearly, continental drift and late-pregnancy laziness meant they were sorely neglected today as Stuart and I enjoyed
Afternoon Tea together, a Mother's Day treat for me though I'm not quite a mother yet. I did earn a bit of mother cred yesterday, however, when a doctor spent twenty minutes or so inflicting great pain upon my abdomen in an attempt to get our determinedly sideways baby to turn. (All reports say I was very brave! and then after I got Dairy Queen). Baby didn't budge, however, and I've got to respect that. And now, after about six weeks of trying to get Baby to move through a variety of means, I'm giving up. I was very much committed to having a natural birth, but this baby is very naturally sideways, and I'm just pleased it has a means to still get here safely. I could spend the next two weeks resorting to further measures, but I don't think they'd work, and I'm also really tired. I am finished work now, and my sanity will be much more assured if I can spend this time relaxing, planting flowers in my garden, reading novels, writing while I still can, preparing food for the freezer, stocking the pantry, and taking plenty of naps. (This will also give me time to sew reusable baby wipes, which I have somehow been possessed to accomplish, even though I don't know how to sew. It is unfortunate my "nesting" instinct has taken on such inconvenient forms.)
And who knows, Baby might turn on its own anyway? But short of that, and providing Baby doesn't decide to come earlier, we are excited to know we will meet the wee one on the morning of May 26th. I'm not looking forward to a cesarean, which certainly wasn't what I'd envisaged, and in fact I am very scared and upset by the idea of a long recovery when I'll need my strength more than ever. But so many others have done it fine, we have a lot of support, and I am very fortunate that a) I've now met the surgeon and I love him and b) my midwives will be there to take care of the baby and me, and provide after-care (I love them too).
From our prenatal class manual: "Cesarean mothers... are courageous women who are willing to be cut apart for the lives of their infants. Perhaps it is time to congratulate yourself for your strength and courage."