Monday, January 21, 2008

Stuff and Links

Now reading Four Letter Word, which is really lovely, and fascinating as anthologies go-- more to come on that. I finished reading The Gathering last night, though I've not yet formulated my reaction. Too bogged down in hype and expectations for clarity yet, but my sense was that it was very good. Perhaps the story itself was more ordinary than I would have liked, but then: "Because, just at this moment, I find that being part of a family is the most excruciating possible way to be alive." And challenging language in a way that was most rewarded. Yes then, I think I liked it.

Taking my thoughts about abortion's inherent boringness and narrative challenge a bit further, Tabatha Southey dares to make it all a comedy with brilliant results. On why we should go back to myths (for it seems that snazzy modern takes do not suffice). My friend K. has a new blog called The Pop Triad. Dictators don't do it better.