Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday Tea

I'm quite proud of the party we held this afternoon, which was a very well-attended tea party with dear and lovely friends. Many of you might know I've got a thing for tea and scones, and it was my desire to share my passion with the world. And so this morning I whipped up eight batches of dough which baked throughout the afternoon. The kettle ever-brewing and the smell of scones in the air. I'd baked two cakes in case anybody came who didn't like scones, but there was no such person. I'd managed to find Devonshire cream at the grocery store, defrosted the strawberry jam I made in June, and I said I would buy the flowers myself. The scones-- we had pumpkin scones (with pumpkin butter), banana scones, blueberry and plain-- were coming out of the oven all afternoon. I made too many, which was the world's best tragedy. Our house was full of brilliant people and their brilliant conversation, and I did so enjoy myself. I also managed to spend a day eating nothing but scones, which is nothing short of a dream come true.