Monday, July 02, 2007

ReReading BeGins

And so The ReReading Project Re-begins with The Portrait of a Lady, last read in August 2000 according to what I wrote on the title page. It was for an undergraduate English course. I was a burgeoning feminist then, and remember being entranced by Henrietta Stackpole who wouldn't consider marriage: "Not til I've seen Europe". Which became my mantra (not that anyone was dying to marry me anyway), and I did get to Europe (where I found a husband, so there you go). I've just glanced at the first page so far, but the first paragraph is far more meaningful now than it must have been back in 2000. Begins the book, "Under certain circumstances there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea." Yes yes yes!! I didn't even like tea in 2000, I don't think, but now I see that no other sentence has ever been so true.