Friday, April 06, 2007


Busy week here at Pickle Me This. 23 essays down, and I am pretty deranged. Life is dullsville at the moment as marking is almost all. This Easter weekend will be a fairly lacklustre affair, unfortunately. And the weather is absolute garbage. Which I guess is not the worst seeing as I have to spend most of it indoors.

I went to see Lionel Shriver and Jacqueline Baker read on Wednesday. I am looking forward to reading Baker's novel soon, and Lionel Shriver was so terribly nice and thoughtful toward those of us who approached her to get our books signed. She read with such authority, and I think she's such a fascinating woman. She reported being interested in depictions of contentment, and how such portrayals are received as "boring". She said she was going to making a point of reading us the "boring bits" of her novel that evening, and they were wonderful.