Friday, April 06, 2007

A large item

Stuart is not convinced but I think it's the best thing ever. We found this vintage wardrobe trunk out on the curb tonight bearing a sign that said "Free- Take Me". And so we did, and it's lovely. It came with little keys for the lockable compartments, and is in fine condition. The trunk bears old stickers from passage to Glasgow, and all the latches work. It doesn't smell, which is always important. I will admit we have no need for it and no place to put it, but it just seemed too perfect to walk past. And I am reasonably sure I won't come to regret carrying it up the stairs and into our apartment. One day we'll know we needed it. I do have much pity, however, for whoever had to lug it around when it actually contained things. I will not be taking this piece of luggage abroad anytime soon.