Monday, October 26, 2009

Not a problem requiring bookshelves

"If she feels disoriented, this is not a problem requiring bookshelves of literature to put right. No, it is exactly the right state of mind for the teach-yourself process that lies ahead of her. Every time a woman has a baby she has something to learn, partly from her culture but also from her baby. If she really considered herself an expert, or if her ideas were set, she would find it very hard to adapt to her individual baby. Even after her first baby, she cannot sit back as an expert on all babies. Each child will be a little different and teach her something new. She needs to feel uncertain in order to be flexible. So, although it can feel so alarming, the 'all-at-sea' feeling is appropriate. Uncertainty is a good starting point for a mother. Through uncertainty, she can begin to learn." --from What Mothers Do by Naomi Stadlen