They told me off at the
Bloor-Gladstone Library for taking photos without permission, but I'm only remotely ashamed. I've been meaning to visit ever since they reopened from renovations in July, and when we finally managed to stop in today whilst out autumnally walking, we found the place totally packed. The computers were in use, the easy chairs occupied by those with laptops, featured book displays were being browsed, people were reading at the study tables, perusing the stacks, there was a line up of people picking up their holds, and in a lovely, quietish library way, the entire place was bustling.
The original building has had a modern extension put on, and the entire space has been opened

up, made airy and light. I think my favourite feature was the wall in the children's area, which renders the world an aquarium. The kids books were plentiful, artfully displayed on tops of shelves for browsing. Lots of comfortable chairs to curl up and read in. The teen book section was no less fantastic up on the second floor, by the extensive music and DVD collections. I really could have stayed all day.
It was a truly inspiring and wonderful space, and absolutely a hub of community. On such a gorgeous sunny Sunday afternoon, I could understand why all these people had chosen to stay indoors instead. If these are the doors in question, I mean. I expect we'll visit again soon.
Oh, and library books I picked up this week:
Tokyo Fiancee by Amelie Northomb,
Juliet, Naked by Nick Hornby, and
What Mothers Do by Naomi Stadlen.