She's also going bed early, however eventually, which gives me a marvelous break in the evenings. And since I've (almost) quit Facebook, I've ceased my epic time wasting. I'm getting lots of reading done, working on knitting a little sweater for Harriet, working on a writing assignment that I'm finding absolutely thrilling, as well as a bit of fiction. Little Women is wonderful, actually. I have a short story coming out in December, and I'm very excited about that (with details to come, of course).
I am very grateful to have two good friends also on maternity leave right now, and their company is the best way I've found yet to pass the days. And not just to pass the days, but to enjoy them. Today we all finally went to The Children's Storefront-- it was my first visit, finally, and was an absolutely magical place we'll be returning to. And we're looking forward to Sunday, when Harriet hosts her very first party.
It is a happy Friday indeed. (And is this where we cue the baby going ballistic, and not sleeping at all tonight? Just in order to make me eat every word I writ. Oh, we'll see...)