I am going to be totally honest-- I arrived with heightened expectations and they weren't entirely met. I'd heard so many good things about McNally Robinson Booksellers out west that I couldn't miss checking out their first Ontario location, way out in the Don Mills countryside. So we drove out there this morning, me and two bookish ladies, and my husband who couldn't remember why he'd signed up for the adventure. We arrived at the shopping mall, which was strange and confusing, with people on segways zipping about, and other people on stilts. The sun was bright and the sky was blue, and I was comfortable wearing a tank top-- a gorgeous day. We found the bookstore quickly, and hurried our way inside.

The space was great, the shop was crowded, I loved the light, and the trees, and two whole floors of books. It would have been nice, however, if staff hadn't responded to every question with a shrug and, "We've just opened," or if they'd had a copy of
the book I'd come to buy, or if Stuart hadn't been convinced he was actually in a Chapters. I'm not really sure what I was expecting, but dancing elephants might have been involved, and they weren't there.
They did have
Rebecca's book, however, right beside the dirty avocado book, much to our

delight. Lots of other books from small presses too, and the children's section was wonderful, and we explored food books with great enthusiasm. I ended up getting
The Story of a Marriage by Andrew Sean Greer, and
Wheels on the Go for a friend of ours who's turning two. And afterwards we went out for a suburban type meal at a chain restaurant, which was tremendous fun in the land of parking lots and fountains.