Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Links and birds

Now reading The Darren Effect by Libby Creelman, which is fabulous, and I'm right in the middle with no idea of what comes next. Maud Newton speculates about why copies of Lush Life (which I reviewed last month) are so hard to come by. Dovegreyreader encounters The Robber Bride. On the history of stenography (subscription required). Jon Evans wonders why he shouldn't write about Africa, which led me to "How to Write About Africa" by Binyavanga Wainaina. A short story by Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie. And more on used books.

I watched The Birds on the weekend, which is based on a short story by Daphne DuMaurier (whose Rebecca I so delighted in last year). I've not read the short story but checked out the plot synopsis and it seems as though the screenwriter really only used the premise-- and yet... Though this is a full length film, it seemed undeniable that it's source material was a short story. What we know of the characters and what happens to them is really not the point, rather the point is the moment (which is so incredibly terrifying, tacky special effects aside). So interesting to me how clearly the short storyness remained. I'll have to read the story and see if it came about itself similarly.