Tuesday, December 30, 2008

To be outraged and confused

And do you want to read about my December knitting projects? Because you can check them out here. Heather Mallick's wonderful New Years Resolutions. I thought Tabatha Southey's column was funny ('I couldn't help but wonder if I should take a page from her book. But then I thought, "Heavens no, it's a Maeve Binchy novel and it's absolutely drenched in mint cocoa"'), but the commenters were outraged and confused. (Why are these people never embarrassed when they fail to get a joke? I would be, and I don't even post my ignorance on national forums). Sandra Martin's "Confessions of an Obituarist" was splendid. Vital context was acquired from LRB pieces "A Chance to Join the World: A Future for Abkhazia", and "Lessons in Zimbabwe".