Sunday, March 30, 2008

Isn't twenty-first century marriage just grand

The very best thing I've read lately is Andrew O'Hagan's "Iraq, 2 May 2005" in the LRB, and it seems to be available online. A stellar piece of journalism, standing as evidence but not of anything too obvious.

This week I was interested to hear Diane Francis on The Current talking about her new book Who Owns Canada Now, for these are the details my job concerns.

Margaret Atwood on Anne of Green Gables (which I'm looking forward to rereading this summer). Lizzie Skurnick on Ellen Raskin's The Westing Game (which is one of very few of my YA books that came with with me into adulthood, even surviving through the age in which I thought I was over all that.) Middlemarch celebrated. Justine Picardie guests at Dovegreyreader's today.

Must get up now. My husband has just cleaned the whole of oven/stove and I'm still in bed (oh-- but isn't twenty-first century marriage just grand! He's even brought me my tea. Can't take this for granted though, or he'll leave me for a cleaning lady).