Thursday, August 02, 2007

Magic Penny

Disturbing revelations today about the song "Magic Penny", which I bet you didn't know was composed by Malvina Reynolds, and which I bet you really didn't know I used to sing at Sunday School. "Love is something if you give it away, give it away. Love is something if you give it away-- you end up having more." Hmm. Is it any wonder that promiscuity is (apparently) rampant among pre-teens? When giving love away is promoted as the best way to get love back? The song goes on to explain that when you hold on tight to your pennies you get nothing back, but it's lending and spending that is key to wealth accumulation, and I'm really not so sure about that. No wonder I've been led astray! But how illuminating, really, to think the source of so much that ails us can be traced right back to Sunday School. I should have known all along...