Monday, February 26, 2007

The Worthwhile Quest

Jacqueline Wilson on her own story. My favourite BBC Radio 1 DJ Edith Bowman profiled. Loved this response to this book hate-on from a couple weeks back. (My response on the blog was: "Hating books and authors is a waste of time. The books I don't like don't suit my tastes, but this doesn't mean those books are crap. I like Zadie Smith and evidently others don't. I don't understand why this is a point of contention." I still don't.)

And how about The Library at Night. Can I just read you the beginning?

"Outside theology and fantastic literature, few can doubt that the main features of our universe are its dearth in meaning and lack of discernible purpose. And yet, with bewildering optimism, we continue to assemble whatever scraps of information we can gather in scrolls and books and computer chips, on shelf after library shelf, whether material, virtual or otherwise, pathetically intent on lending the world a semblance of sense and order, while knowing perfectly well that, however much we'd like to believe the contrary, our pursuits are sadly doomed to failure.
"Why then do we do it? Though I knew from the start that the question would most likely remain unanswered, the quest seemed worthwhile for its own sake. This book is the story of that quest."