Along those lines I've been ransacking libraries lately. I came home from work yesterday with Disgrace by JM Coetzee, Amsterdam by Ian McEwan and Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner by Alan Sillitoe. At the public library, I'll soon be due to pick up Family Happiness by Laurie Colwin, The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri, and Son of Rosemary, which I bet will be absolute crap but Rosemary's Baby was such a stunning tale (really), Stuart and I have to see what happened next, even if the future was very badly written.
Lately time has been wasted on my absolute fascination with Eric Delko. Ever since he was shot-- there's nothing like a man brought back from the dead. I'm totally in lust. His real life counterpart keeps an offical website here.
At our house we're currently obsessed with red grapefruit.