Sunday, January 21, 2007

Confronted by Fiction

The book I just finished, I am embarrassed to name, and the book I am reading at the moment, I don't like much at all. This state of affairs is a deep dark hole which doesn't please me, and I'll be climbing out of it in a day or two.

Part two of the Treatise of Zadie Smith. "To read The Virgin Suicides followed by The Idiot followed by Despair followed by You Bright and Risen Angels followed by Bleak House followed by Jonah's Gourd Vine followed by Play it as it Lays is to be forced to recognise the inviolability of the individual human experience. Fiction confronts you with the awesome fact that you are not the only real thing in this world." (Oh Zadie I swoon!). Edith Wharton in France. Go Hillary! (How refreshing-- a chance for a better world!)

The Robber Bride's TV adaptation is on tonight. I'll be watching, mainly because I've just started a knitting project and TV becomes handy then-- particularly when it's bookish.