Wednesday, December 20, 2006

From here and there

The Penelopiad is being remade for the stage. And though it happened awhile back, John Steffler is Canada's new poet laureate (and I liked his novel.)

In terms of non-fiction, I'm reading uTOpia at the moment, which is interesting in parts, but terribly obnoxious in others (one person wrote an essay about how he was connected to each of the forces of Toronto's cultural renaissance [ie someone was his second cousin, though they'd only become acquainted recently, and he used to go to parties at so and so's house, etc etc] which I think was supposed to have a point beyond that but I missed it).

The big news is that Bronwyn's back in town, and showers galore are the theme of the holidays. As matron of honour, I have organized a fete for Saturday afternoon, but then I can't say anything more because it's a surprise. Just that it's bookish. We're keeping holiday gatherings to a minimum, as I've got a lot of work to do these days. Tomorrow night, however, I am learning how to make risotto, which is exciting. We're getting to the end of the Christmas baking, like the gluttons we are. I realized I made it a week earlier this year, which probably wasn't the best idea.