Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A great modifier

I'm sort of in love with the idea of a hyperbolic thesaurus. I don't know if one exists, or what good it would really be if one did, but I want one all the same. "cold: freezing, burrr-y, 50 below zero, the North Pole, arctic, glacial, polar, Siberian; and if still at a loss, of course "fcking" always makes a great modifier. I think I would be well-qualified to write a hyperbolic thesaurus, if such a position ever became available.

In exciting news (and speaking of cold),Laura has arrived at the South Pole and her first blog entry about it is fascinating. Guardian Podcast: can creative writing be taught (blah blah blah)? I'll give it a listen tonight o'er my knitting.

Back to work you.