Nearing the end of a fun weekend, which include dinner party hilarity at the most craftastic Ms. Smith's, and Sunday brunch with Carolyn and her man Steve. In between, I spent April 8th. April 8th is my favourite day of the year, mainly because I like the "eh" sound repeated in the date, and I like the idea of a favourite day for no apparent reason. I spent it reading, appropriately. I finished The Selfish Gene, which was interesting and I am glad I read it, though one doesn't read The Selfish Gene for the reasons I most love to read, so the task was arduous at times. I also read Margaret Atwood's The Tent, which I loved. And began Just As I Thought, a book of non-fiction by Grace Paley which has superglue on its cover. We played a marvelous game of Scrabble last night, and features included "vulva" and "fetid". It was tremendously fun, and now I must devote my time to essay writing. Which, clearly, I am not doing.
The Streets (who I love) have helped British pop reclaim its accent, according to this piece at