Sunday, February 26, 2006


Isn't it weird that the very day I vow never to buy The Globe and Mail ever again, Leah McLaren opts out of the blogosphere? She is tired, she writes, of
bitter unpublished writers venomously slagging published ones -- their terrible spelling, poorly constructed sentences and outrageous amounts of displaced hatred and envy a testimony to why they became bloggers in the first place.
I am just tired of the worst Saturday paper I've ever read (and I used to read The Asahi Shimbun so that's saying something). I guess it's The Guardian Online for me then!

Last night I got drunk and ordered Nigella's How to be a Domestic Goddess off amazon used. It was an act of impetuosity and spendthriftery, but I have wanted this book for many years and I am confident that it will change my entire life. Will keep you posted.

Ottawa was brilliant! And cold. Thursday, we went to the Parliament Buildings and Sparks Street, and had a wonderful dins etc. with Sues and Lo. On Friday, we went out for lunch, went to the Ottawa Nicholas Hoare, spent the whole day at the Art Gallery, ate Beaver Tails, froze our bums, went out for a wonderful dinner and drinks and lived like the rich. Saturday was a blizzard and awful, so we didn't leave the house but the four of us were quite compatible, and spent a pleasant Saturday listening to music, watching Little Britain, reading, cooking and enjoying excellent company. We came home this morning, and we're entirely sick of busses. Oh, but for the love mini breaks. It was brilliant.