Thursday, January 12, 2006


What a day! My academic courses started today, one where we discuss Coetzee and Shakespeare and Thoreau and Dillard and Hughes and Wordsworth altogether and all I can say is that grad school is an enormous amount of fun. In my other class, we are discussing contemporary issues of authorship and so JT Leroy and James Frey got tossed around and we have to collect literary zeitgeist and we're having current events at the beginning of every class. There were lovely people in all my classes, and they were much less scary than last term. For creative writing, we have to listen to Kiss by Prince loud on repeat and write... something. I am reading a book called Blooming English by Kate Burridge, which is so readable and interesting, and I now know why Stuart says "tyune" and I say "toon". Yods! Today I walked home and bought a pound of beef I saw was on sale in the butchers and a Christmas present for my father-in-law, and remembered to pick up quarters for the laundry. And the sun was shining shiny and the weather was about five degrees, I was wearing my spring coat and you know it really might have been April, except it wasn't. Yesterday I was reunited with my friend Katch from Japan, and we spent the afternoon eating Japanese curry and drinking green tea. And Stuart's career as a volunteer has branched out in some interesting directions, and he doesn't just feel like he's spending his days. He is happy. And so am I. Plus many hours of EastEnders arrived in the post yesterday, much thanks to my maw-in-law. And how about Brad and Angelina. I am fascinated...

I have also learned the word "alloloutrophilist" which is "one who is fond of drinking the bathwater of others."