Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Miffys in the Mail!!

Look who arrived at our house today, a wonderful surprise courtesy of the wonderful Bronwyn Enright. We got the one on the right, Miffy in overalls. I travelled Nippon for a year searching for her to no avail, and now she's mine! It's been a long time since new Miffy goods came my way. She joins a larger Miffy stuffed toy, a Miffy head pillow, the Dick Bruna elephant and a stuff Snuffy (Miffy's dog), the Miffy t-shirt I happened to be wearing today, the Miffy soap and bathsalt in our bathroom, two Miffy picture frames, one Miffy glass, two Mugs, a lunch box, two sets of chopsticks, two childrens' books, two purses and I am sure something else. This love will never die.

The other good news is that if I hadn't wasted my entire afternoon doing my creative writing exercise incorrectly, I would have completed everything I had to do today. Currently dreaming undergraduate essays again.