The new point of everything lately is the five senses. Concentrating. What does Fall smell like? What do raindrops sound like? Bonfires and a million pins dropping. I am very bad at senses. Fall and raindrops is an inadequate response. I am learning. What does the music in the other half of our semi-detatched house sound like? Bulls charging the wall. Feels like too. Last night I walked home from school, into a time warp. I used to walk home that same way a million years ago. Glances into glowing windows remains more interesting than any movie I have ever seen. Yesterday I wore brown cordoroy pants, and it was autumn. I don't know which came first.
The new writing life is lived with discipline. I write for about twenty minutes when I rise every morning, and then two hours later in the day. And this will be upped eventually. Practical habits.
I am obsessed with "Twin Cinemas" by The New Pornographers.