Monday, July 18, 2005

And you know it

Lately, the world has been presenting itself to me on a silver platter. Not the whole world mind you, but just the parts I am interested in. We had another weekend in Toronto, and were shown hospitality beyond our wildest dreams. On Saturday, my friends threw the world's most pleasant wedding shower in my honour, at Burwash Hall at Vic. We had an enormous amount of fun and I saw people I haven't seen in ages. Everyone had a really good time, and it was quite a surprise. Was rendered dumbfounded and we all know how often that occurs. Afterwards it was dinner in Chinatown, and then karaoke at the Gladstone which was interesting to say the least, and quite enjoyable. I was surrounded by all the beautiful people and had a lot of fun. The rest of the weekend was less organised, and mostly involved me reclining in various places. We had a brilliant dinner at Kate's and today I got the world's cutest bathing suit, which is a good replacement for my current "the world's biggest bathing suit". I deal in superlatives. The fun just continues then, as we are going out for dinner tomorrow night on a gift certificate thanks to my dad, and then to the Delawana Inn on Thursday for two days of Canadian Summertime fun (with canoes!) thanks to my sister's wedding gift. If you're lucky and you know it, stomp your feet.