Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Just red

Graham Greene, Travels With My Aunt was excellent. I love Graham Greene. His books end so magnificently. This book is quite different from his others, as it's quite whimsical, but has the same measured brilliance. Then Hiroshima by John Hersey. I think after visiting Hiroshima, the experience of reading a book about it is a bit paled, but still an important book that underlines the unnecessary agony of war. There is no excuse for such horror, no matter how great your intentions. And then The Curious Incident of the Dog in Night-Time, which I've been putting off reading due to my illogical problem with adults reading hyped childrens books. Illogical indeed. This book was incredible with the most convincing narrative voice I've read in a long time and a gripping story I stayed up half the night obsessed with.